I've decided
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Project C at
RP yesterday. Learn about html for blogging, photo editting and flash. I know how to do flash already ok. Ok la. Only the basics but that's a stepping stone ok.
Spent post-Project C at
Natra's place.
Kak Mariah dropped us off. She drove her bro's
BMW. And
Kak Mariah, you look good driving a
BMW. Maybe can ask
Abg Fad to give that as one of your
Managed to pass
Fadzli his dinner because he was at the petrol station near
Natra's place. But only met him for a few minutes
aje because he's working. =(
Sat by the pool side with
Natra and eating pizza. We talked bout stuff. Some things which I don't think should be just shared with just anybody. We talked about our friends, or so we thought. About how some people can be all nice and friendly with us but once our backs are turned, there she'll go bitching about us to other people, in particular to people whom we thought should know better than to listen to those things.
I told
Natra about the email I received the morning before I went off for camp. It was from somebody and it was sent to just 2 people, myself and another friend. Clearly the email was about the both of us, of course. And what was written in the email, well, both of us were quite hurt. It was written in the email that the sender hopes that we accept whatever was said with an open mind. Maybe we didn't.
We did an exchanging of views with each other about each other. And we came to a conclusion that, well, it's pretty obvious that someone "complained" about us to the sender of the email. And we assumed someone, but we chose not to make it obvious that we assumed this someone to "complain" to the sender of the email.
What I told this friend of mine is that, as long as both of us knows that we are doing work and as long as our conscience is clear, then we shouldn't be bothered about it.
Maybe in the eyes of the people we worked with, we are not doing work. But what they fail to notice is that both of us are doing work without making a big hoo-haa out of it. I personally don't see the reason to why must I tell everybody that I am doing this or doing that. I personally don't see the reason why to why I have to do work only when a certain somebody is around and once that certain someone is not around, I will do nothing. Seriously, I don't.
I had a major argument with
Fadzli after camp. He was already dear enough to help out on the last day of the camp. He was already nice enough to understand the fact that I have to go back to the office. He was understanding enough during pre-camp, the only time I spent with him was when he came to the office. We don't even have personal time for ourselves. The only time when we are alone is when he send me back home after work. But does that count?
I am not saying these just because
Fadzli's my boyfriend and because I love him. Even
Mac, of all people, told me off, saying, "
kau asyik keje je, takde personal time dgn Fadzli". I'd have to admit that I am not really close to
Mac, that's pretty obvious but what he said actually made sense.
We were basically shouting, well, he was basically shouting, not at me but at the situation. I tried my hardest to try and cool him down. He even told me to choose which is of more importance, him or them.
I guess my choice is pretty clear. I don't have to state it here. The email helped out in a way or another in my decision making.
And when I told someone this, she said, "
You've been saying this dah lama but you stil belum leave". Yeah, maybe all of them wanted me to leave. The thing is, I hold
P2R & YIA+ close to my heart. I even get pissed when
P2R & YIA+ is seen as something that is insignificant and I remember saying that we will have to work harder to prove them wrong, that
P2R & YIA+ is of the same importance.
I guess its just no use now, is it?
*Nothing is ever enough, isn't it?*
On a different note altogether...
I am sick today. Woke up this morning with runny nose, cough and a sore throat. Bummer. I hate it when I am sick. Really. =(
Belinda today. 3 more hours and I am supposed to meet her at
Harbour Front MRT. 3 more hours and I am still on my bed, in front of
Mr. Lappie. 3 more hours and I've yet to decide what to wear. 3 more hours and I am still not ready.
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Friday, December 15, 2006
Planned to go lunchtime shopping with
Kak Mariah just now. But I had this really bad migraine attacking me in the morning. Ended up not going to work. I'll make it up to you next week, ok
Kak Mary?
Lucky I still have my migraine medication from my last check up.
Project C at
Republic Polytechnic. It's a project by
YIA+ and
YVDP in collaboration with
RP. Basically, it's a workshop for
4PM volunteers on photo editing and blog designing. And of course, it's free. What's new? Not forgetting that refreshments will be provided. Nothing new.
But I've got one problem though.
How in the world am I supposed to get to
Republic Polytechnic from
Serangoon? And I don't wish to take the cab because it's not near from
Serangoon to
I think I'll take a train or something to
Yishun or
Woodlands then take a cab. It'll be cheaper, right?
Or maybe anybody wanna share cab with me?
Ouh. I'll be meeting
Belinda gurling this Sunday. Can't wait.
Eh Woman! I miss you truckloads!Ouh. And I would also miss my primary school buddy -
Lim Yan Wen. Read that she's in
China now. I miss you too girlfriend!
15 years and still counting. Weee...My angels. My nephew, my niece and my younger sis. They are all in
Malaysia. Ouh bummer. =(

Come back quick. Me miss you all many many. =(And of course I won't and can't possibly forget the dude who makes me wanna la-la. =)
I miss you too, Precious. <3
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Post camp
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
People whom you thought were your friends are actually not. People whom you've helped when they were at their lowest might not be appreciative in the end. They might be appreciative at first and showed that they understand when you are at your lowest, but you'll never know when they are going to take out the knife they've kept long enough in their sleeves to just stab you from behind.
One of the reasons why I can never be close as friends with
Malays. Not that I have anything against my own race, I don't. In fact, I am proud to be a
Malay. It's just that that way of some
Malays think is what I can't stand.
Camp itself was wonderful. The campers are the reason to why I didn't give up halfway. People who were there to give me the support so I will not give up, especially
Faizal and of course
Fadzli. All those times when I would just break down and cry during the camp, of course without the knowledge of a few people, prove to be worth it. And I miss
Natra for not being there during the camp. She came on the last day though and I can't help it but to hug her, in front of
Sarul. Sorry
I don't have much pictures to begin with. I apologise.
Keanu Lappie, or affectionately named
Mr. Lappie, went into "coma" on the first night of the camp. It was down with a virus infection. Nothing could be done to revive
Mr. Lappie while we were at camp. So I just had to let it rest peacefully in his bed and cover it up, just in case it catches a cold. =(
But now he's up and running. Thanks to
Fadzli who gave me the support to give
Mr. Lappie to the trusty hands of "
Mahad who revived
Mr. Lappie back to life. Of course
Mr. Lappie is not the same anymore. All of his memories are gone, thanks to the virus who caused
Mr. Lappie to suffer from amnesia. Now it's like a newborn baby. Poor
Mr. Lappie.
On a lighter note,
Fadzli kena interviewed by my parents at the void deck.
Heh. Cool or what?!
And please
eh, he was not talking like the
Fadzli I know
la when he was interviewed by my parents.
Heh. But I still love him all the same. <3
I accompanied
Fadzli to do up his bike. And it will be the first and the last time. Really. As much as I love him, I'd rather wait at home till he finish doing up his bike.
And by the way, to those who have yet to watch
Deja Vu, go catch it. It's worth your every penny, trust me. =)
ps: Please pardon the long entry. Didn't get to update my blog earlier because Mr. Lappie was down.
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Mosquitoes and all I could foresee..
Friday, December 08, 2006
I will be off to
P2R & YIA+ Annual Camp Voyage at
Sarimbun Scouts Camp.
3 days 2 nights. But will there from day 0 onwards.
Miss me while I am gone.
Fadzli's gonna be in camp too. And his camp will be held at
MOE Jalan Bahtera campsite. And that's like just opposite
Sarimbun Scouts Camp.
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Let's go down to the zoo & bring a friend or two... =)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

And so, yours truly gets to go to the zoo. Like finally.
That's one strike from my wishlist.
And we will be going to
Escape Themepark too. =)
Sentosa, yes darling?
Met alot of
Fadzli's "friends" there, all those
Heh. But I didn't get to go to the
Reptile Garden because someone don't want to go there because that someone is afraid of snakes.
Heh. So I wasn't able to take pictures with the snakes. =(
Mommy packed for us
sambal udang petai and bread. Yummy-licious. But we didn't eat it at the zoo. We ate
KFC. One craving fulfilled. =)
Met up with
kawan-kawan basikal after that. Had
Nasi Ayam Penyet at Tampines South
sana. Again, a craving fulfilled. =))
I went home a happy kid. All thanks to
Fadzli. =)
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Vroom Vroom...?
Sunday, December 03, 2006
I was freezing. And my knees were shaking. Despite being close and trying real hard to share body warmth, I was still cold.
And him? He was sweating real bad.
And I wonder how.

The same Thira who do not like travelling on bikes (gimme public anytime like seriously...) and the same Thira who laughed looking at girls as pillion on "
bike tonggeng" (I've no idea what those kind of bikes are called) will now be a pillion of a "
tonggeng bike".
And now, since the dismiss of our beloved van,
Fadzli bought a bike. And I seriously didn't expect it'll be so fast. He didn't leave me much of a choice , right?
So last night, after we had our dinner at
Simpang, we went riding. Cool or what?!
Yes. It was literally
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Wonderfully Wonderful...
Saturday, December 02, 2006

My MacD Strawberry Shortcake series figurines. =)

Fadzli's monthsary present for me on 181106. <3Van's gone. It's sold. I prefer the van very much than the car. It holds alot of memories for both
Fadzli and myself. Both the good ones and the bad. =(
Had my last ride in the van on Wednesday. And I didn't take pictures with the van. =( So just make do with a not so recent picture with the van, ok?

Taken on 261106. The latest pics we took with the van.Initially, told
Mom about my r'ship with
Fadzli but kept her in the dark about his status. She didn't really approve of me being with
Fadzli at first and told me to think twice. This was on
Wednesday (291106).
And today,
Friday (011206), 2 days after I told her about
Fadzli's status, she told me that both my
Dad and herself is fine about my r'ship with
Fadzli. =) So long as
Fadzli will take care of me and be able to
bimbing me. =)
Went to watch Casino Royale just now. And after numerous outings/dates we had, tonight was the SECOND time we went public (the first was like before we got together). And we took pictures to prove that we actually took the bus to Tampines from Bedok. Unfortunately, my cam batt died after the second pic was taken. =(

Evidence kuat that we took the bus. =)Casino Royale was, I have no idea. It's a James Bond movie. And I know it was my choice to watch it.
Tu pun pasal alot of people told me it's a good movie. Initially when
Fadzli told me he wanted to watch
Casino Royale, I told him to watch with my
Dad. Of course I meant it as a joke.
Fadzli was sleeping a quarter of the time we watching it. Too tired I guess.
Kesian tu anak. Had marksman shooting on Thursday morning. Slept for like a few hours and he had to report for his night shift. Then just now, he accompanied his
Dad to handover the van to the shop after which he went to survey bikes (Bikes?! Eeeksss...!!!) and lastly, his
Dad sent him to my workplace to meet me.
Toodles. Looooooooooooooooong day tomorrow.

He who never fails to make me smile even during the most crappy days. <3
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
her life
Recognise By Many. Known By Few.
Pink Fetish. Camera Whore. Shopping Crazy.
Coffee Disorder. Make Out Pro. Flirt Queen.
Girly Girl. Full Time Narcisst. Sweet Like Candy.
Anith. Thira. Thir.
(Choose any of the above to address me)
Serangoon Avenue. Singapore.
10th November 1984.
her delights
My Family. Him <3.
Money. Adidas. Anna Sui. Black Eyed Peas.
Music. Keanu Reeves. Paris Hilton. Daisies.
Chinese food. Sushi. Coffee. Pink. Shopping.
Shoes. Bags. Accesories. Cleo.
her cravings
A black cat with a long tail & green eyes. =)
Pink Sony VAIO VGN-C13G. Pretty please!
Samsung K5.
Red Sony DSC-T50.
Pink or White Sony Play Station Portable.
Anna Sui Secret Wish.
Gucci Rush.
Davidoff Echo.
Anna Sui complete make up set.
Unlimited supply of contact lenses.
Money. 'Coz it's never enuf.
More Adidas stuff.
Trip to Singapore Zoological Gardens.
Trip to Jurong Birdpark.
Trip to Escape Themepark.
Trip to Sentosa.
Chabox has been moved over to the new blog. =)