Guys with bikes...
Thursday, May 11, 2006
I don't really trust guys with bikes. I said "
don't really" because I've got some great trustworthy guy friends with bikes. But unfortunately, I do have an even large number of guy friends with bikes whom I
can't trust.
Let's talk about those whom I
can't trust first.
A couple of them actually confessed that having a bike is easier for them to "
kacip pompuan". And to make things easier for them, they usually go for the girls who are
still schooling because they say, this girls look at them as "
idols" and the friends of the girls, upon seeing the girl
kena ferry to and from school on a bike will envy the girl and it would be like instant popularity for the girl. This especially applies if the guy is from a certain bike design, ie. equivalent to "
main baju".
Another case would be
married/engaged/attached guys with bikes who claims they are
still single. This is a personal experience though. Heh. Well, at that point, he was engaged to be married in December last year. When I first got to know him, I did ask whether he's attached and he said he is not. So I continued being friends with him la. It was one month after we got into a relationship with him was when I came across the friendster account of his significant other. How I came across the profile was a very coincidental process and I shall not elaborate it here. And the best part was, when I asked him about it, then he confessed about being engaged! I personally feel like throwing the helmet at him, hoping that his head will break or whatever. But instead I told him to f*** off. I really pitied the girl who was with him. He's married now.
Skarang dah kahwin pun masih nak menggatal. When I was using my old number, still got the cheek to message me and tell me he miss me and stuff.
Disgusting. So changed my number and then he chatted with me on MSN even after I deleted him from my list.
Another example would be guys with bikes who gets to know girls with only one intention in mind. To get the girls to ride their bike
AND them. It's like a no strings attached. I got to know this guy who was like that. Know him from
Anak Melayu la. When time
nak jumpa, "
I ambik you dari rumah you la. Then kita gi pangkeng. No strings attached, I promise". I was like, "And I pormise you that after this, I'll be deleting your number from my handphone and I promise I won't want to hear from you again after this message..".
Member terus diam seh.
My sister would be another living example. With her ex. They were together for like God knows how long and she paid for his bike. His belardee KTM bike. All the servicing, paintwork or whatever it was paid for by my sister. Personally I felt it was stupid of her and I told her so which resulted in her not talking to me till she broke up with him. And after they broke up, another bomb dropped on her. My family and I were like doing last minute packing for our family holiday to
Pulau Perhentian when she received a letter, from a lawyer stating that the ex-boyfriend had not been paying for the bike. So she had to pay for whatever was owed by that cow when we got back to Singapore a week later.
Kalau tak confirm
kena declare bankrupt. Can't remember the exact amount but I told her if she gave me that amount of cash instead of paying for the bike that she don't even ride on anymore, I could pay for the whole trip myself and still have extra for some extra shopping.
Nasib baik our stay at the resort in
Pulau Perhentian was free because it was my Mom's cousin's resort.
Some examples of why I don't really trust guys with bikes. Again I would like to say that I am not generalising guys. There are some guys with bikes who are nice fellas. People like
Hafiizh and the
4PM volunteers. Couples with bikes who are going strong like
Wati & Dino,
Nana & Amin,
Kak Su & hubby. And I don't really have anything against guys with bikes. Just the trusting part.
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Pit Stop 101.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I wish I have enough courage to go back to the old ways. I feel
macam buat baik dengan orang pun tak guna.
You know. The old ways. Bitchy to everybody.
Bebual takde lesen. Not nice. Never will stick to one guy at one time. Etc. Etc.
I wish. Maybe life would be better that way. You know. Like I was able to lead my life and let it run smoothly instead of having obstacles. But now when I've change, there's like
sooooooooooo many obstacles for me to go through. Maybe to those who doubted very much I was able to change, you'll be laughing now or maybe smirking because now I will go back to the old ways. Unfortunately for you, I won't.
There are reasons why I won't change myself. It's because I love myself. And I love my family. Especially my parents. They are already old. I want to make life easier for them. My family have been through enough shit for me before. They've cried enough for me. They've suffer enough.
And I
won't let history itself. For the sake of my family and those whom I hold dear to my heart.
And to
Wati. I really thank you sis. For being there for me. Despite what I did. I am sorry.
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Happy birthday!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Happy birthday to my lil sister,
Amni Nasyitah Rahwom. Now she's 10 years old. And to think that it was already 10 years since the baby with the spiky hair was born to this world. Now she's a big grown up girl.

I am getting old.
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Sad. Sad. Sad.
Monday, May 08, 2006
I need a movie.
I need my retail therapy.
All this will only be possible month end.
Jo called
4PM just to ask me when we are going karaoke.
Heh. I totally forgot about it. He said that once
Mac and myself dapat duit progress package, plan
semua tukar. Well, at least
Mac spent his progress package on clubbing. I don't know about
Jo. What about me? I didn't even get to spend my progress package on myself.
Therefore, I come to a conclusion, when I get my pay, it's for me solely. Of course besides having to pay my house's electricity bills and my singnet bill and my M1 bill. I will NOT lend anybody my money anymore.
Panggil la aku lokek, bakhil, kedekut.
Aku tak kisah!
It's kinda hard, isn't it?
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Sunday, May 07, 2006
1) I love listening to
lagu-lagu jiwang. Betcha didn't know that. Especially the old
jiwang songs. And I am talking about
Malay songs. Heh.
2) I have a tendency of losing things. Those who know me well enough would know this fact. In fact, I just lost my purse on
Saturday. Only to realise it missing when I needed to pay for something.
3) I have been having a crush on
Keanu Reeves since I was like in primary school. I even imagine myself marrying that dude. Though it was just a dream. There's like a 99.99999999999% that it won't happen. In fact, let's make it 100% it won't happen. He's in
Hollywood. I am not even in
Sad. We would have made a very great couple and I could bore him his children.
Freddd, this is for you. I initially wanted the reconciliation for the 4th time was simply because I just wanted
revenge. Then I realised that I shouldn't waste my time and I'd rather make use of the time that I would waste being with you again getting to know new people and
buat benda-benda yang berfaedah.
Hafiizh, if you are reading this. I enjoy spending time with you. I really do. Unfortunately, we've kinda agreed that we will not hang out that often when either of us are attached. Actually, it's kinda my agreement, right?
Alah. For our sake also so neither of us will get into trouble with our significant other. You are a great friend. Though I've not say it before. A good example of how platonic relationship is possible.
Hasril, you are another example of a good guy friend. And you always happen to message me at the wrong timing, ie. when I am in a foul mood. Heh. Then I will get pissed of with you and start "attacking" you with foul phrases and words. Sorry bro. And thanks for being there for me, especially when I am feeling like shit and when I am in deep shit.
Belinda and
Amudah. My two girlfriends from MI. We are prove of
racial harmony. A Malay, a Chinese and an Indian. Without these two ladies, I wouldn't have been able to survive my final year in school. We were there for each other when we cried or laugh. Remember our night at Hooters? And please remember the pre-grad night. Whenever we think about that evening, we will laugh at each other, and ourselves.
I love you girls.
Yan Wen, my longest surviving friend. Thank you for time. Though now we rarely get to meet each other, I guess absence really make the heart grow fonder ya. I love you loads girlfriend!
Nads. You are a wonderful "sister" in MI. We bitched, we fought. But by the end of the day, we'll make up. And for that, I love you too!
10) I can't eat to many sweet stuff. It'll give me migraine. I ca't be out in the hot hot sun for too long. It'll give me migraine. I can't be too cold. It'll give me migraine. I can't stare at the comp for too long. It'll give me migraine.
Go figure.
There you go. My so-called 10 confessions. I could list more but they don't pay me to blog, right? Heh.
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Not again.
Friday, May 05, 2006
2 of my friends are getting married in
June. I never like to attend weddings, especially if the parents knows me. In this case, they do. They will ask me when's my turn to be married. That I do not know. I just graduated last year for goodness sake!
I accidentally on purpose forgot about my friend's wedding which was held last weekend. But I did
kirim. Formality sake. I even bought for him and his wife a little something.
Mom talked about having her first grandchild by her daughter.
Alamak. You should have seen my
kakak and I
seh. We were so uneasy.
Nak jalan tapi takut kena sound. So we ended up just sitting through it all. Apparently, my
Mom has given up hope on my
kakak getting married, despite her age being *
coughs* this year. She told us so. You should see how my
kakak sniggered. So now her focus is on me. Great!
I am not getting married anytime soon anyway. Considering that I am dating somebody who is like 2 years my junior, I doubt even he thought about getting married anytime soon. I hope we are on the same level on this topic because if he starts talking about marriage in the near future(note: less than 3 yrs), I am so like going to freak out like I usually do when my significant other talks about marriage. It simply gives me shivers.
On a lighter note. I was chatting with
Amu earlier on
MSN. She post me a very interesting question, "
wads wid u and young guys". Thanks la. She makes me sound like a paedophile. Which obviously I am not. The youngest guy I've dated was like 4 years my junior. That does not make him a kid, right? I just don't know. And I do date older people too. The oldest guy I've dated was one who was 12 years my senior. Old enough?
Maybe I can ask the boyfriend later. Maybe he'll tell me the answer. =)
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Random entry..
Thursday, May 04, 2006
"If pain must come, may it come quickly. Because I have a life to live, and I need to live it in the best way possible. If he has to make a choice, may he make it now. Then I will either wait for him or forget him. Waiting is painful.
But not knowing what to do is the worst kind of suffering."
- Paulo Coelho(By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept)No. I am not by a river. Though I wish I am. I just simply hate people who message me stupid stuff. Asking stupid questions. Now I feel like changing my number again.
Faz don't like the main picture one
Anak Melayu. He said it makes me look like a bitch. I thought I look like a nerd in that picture.
Faz don't like me using the word "
sumpah" either. Next time I'll use "
sungguh" instead. Ok?
I've realise that
Asy had not been saying "
Hello Bodoh". Instead he has been saying "
Hello Moto".
Heh. Cute. Blame it on him being surrounded by adults who are using
Motorola handphones.
Syukriah thinks she's a big girl.
Sungguh. She's been trying to stand up on her own. Only resulting on her falling down on her butt. But she never give up that girl. She'll cry when she falls, then she'll try again.
I miss camera whoring. Sent my digi cam for servicing. The navigation key is somewhat stuck or somthing like that. And the zoom don't work. The nice lady told me it'll take around one week.
Boo hoo. Am going to miss my digi cam. Sent it for servicing on Tuesday at Sony Gallery.
Faz accompanied me. Which means my digi cam will only be ready next Tuesday? That's too long! =(
I am too used to meeting
Faz for like everyday. 6 days in a row. Now I feel awkward not meeting him for the past 2 days.
I am planning to cut my hair. Part of me says go ahead. Another part of me says don't. How la like that?
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
Loooooong weekend...
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Ye la.
Ada duit progress package. Part of me felt so happy when I got the progress package. Part of me felt so old that I qualify to receive the progress package.
Apa-apa ah.
Here are some updates:
Saturday, 29th April 2006Picked my sister up from
Mendaki. Bought a pair of working pants over in
Giordano. Lack of working pants la. Been going to work in jeans, which is of course actually inappropriate to be worn at work. And of course considering my height, the pants turned out to be too long. Thank God for the free alteration service.
So in the evening went to
Ang Mo Kio to collect my pants and off to
Paya Lebar to meet
Faz. Bought the necessities for brownies, walked ard awhile then he sent me home.
Sunday, 30th April 2006Woke up early to go
pasar Geylang with my parents. How I dread going there 'cause we can always shop in supermarkets and hypermarts, right? So I don't understand why we must shop there.
Sumpah. Guess I will never make a good housewife.
Faz in the afternoon. Went to
Sim Lim Square 'cause he wanted to do something with his PSP.
Bought a new phone.
Motorola SLVR L6 and it's in
Went to eat
kat kedai kopi belakang Bugis Junction
tu. Then
terserempak dengan Kak Sa'adah and her friends.
Monday, 1st May 2006Met
Faz. Again. This time we went to
Marina. Walked to
Carrefour myself and bought sushi.
Terserempak pulak dengan Diana and
Ahmad. Initial plan was to sit at
Esplanade, eat sushi and be merry. But The weather was not our side though. Too bad. So ended up sitting at
Marina, eat sushi and be merry.
Walked around. Went to arcade. Entertain him while he was playing games. Never felt comfy in arcades. Just so noisy it gave me migraine. And if I have migraine, I will end up in a very foul mood. So that was what happened. Both of us wanted to reach home before 2130hours simply because of
And today, I am back at work. I didn't really feel like waking up just now. But thanks to
Asy, I managed to. You would to if my nephew wake you up the way he wakes me up every morning.
I realised I've been meeting
Faz everyday. Thursday after work. Friday during work(he came for the mentors interview). Saturday, Sunday and Monday. And today after work. We'll just have to meet tomorrow to make it a perfect week.
...i can't wait a moment more...
...tell me quando quando quando...
ThiraMisU Y PhudzLee
her life
Recognise By Many. Known By Few.
Pink Fetish. Camera Whore. Shopping Crazy.
Coffee Disorder. Make Out Pro. Flirt Queen.
Girly Girl. Full Time Narcisst. Sweet Like Candy.
Anith. Thira. Thir.
(Choose any of the above to address me)
Serangoon Avenue. Singapore.
10th November 1984.
her delights
My Family. Him <3.
Money. Adidas. Anna Sui. Black Eyed Peas.
Music. Keanu Reeves. Paris Hilton. Daisies.
Chinese food. Sushi. Coffee. Pink. Shopping.
Shoes. Bags. Accesories. Cleo.
her cravings
A black cat with a long tail & green eyes. =)
Pink Sony VAIO VGN-C13G. Pretty please!
Samsung K5.
Red Sony DSC-T50.
Pink or White Sony Play Station Portable.
Anna Sui Secret Wish.
Gucci Rush.
Davidoff Echo.
Anna Sui complete make up set.
Unlimited supply of contact lenses.
Money. 'Coz it's never enuf.
More Adidas stuff.
Trip to Singapore Zoological Gardens.
Trip to Jurong Birdpark.
Trip to Escape Themepark.
Trip to Sentosa.
Chabox has been moved over to the new blog. =)