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Saturday, September 10, 2005

See my "Spoiled" and "Pricess" cushions. Some other cushions on the floor. Heh.I am a narcisst la. Even with a tudung. Can't help it. It's just me.
Mendaki just now. Had the parenting workshop with
4PM. And I was babysitting. Quite a relief la because there was not that many kids as before. But it was quite
mendak. Watched
Madagascar with the kids. Wanted to watch
Harry Potter after that but then we realised there was only CD2, no CD1. How like that?
Ended up bringing the kids to
Cahaya M. There were volunteers under
Mendaki teaching the kids origami.
Asy got cranky. Kept on asking for
Abang(ie. his
Ate. Food's not as nice as the last workshop. Heh. But who cares. I am hungry anyway.
Where's this
Azazil? Called him just now and he told me that he was in the toilet.
Siapa nak bebual dengan orang dalam toilet seh. Then after 2 hours I called him again, handphone was off.
Mana je lah si sewel ni.
Never mind. I'll be talking to
Iwan later. Great. At least got somebody accompanying me on the phone tonight. Even if it's not si
Mr. Sotong tu.
I miss my night life. I miss going out at night and coming back in the morning. When I went out at 1am plus in the morning, it felt like the old times, though it's with different people.
But I guess I've change. Defeating the purpose of me going out at night when I won't be clubbing or drinking. How to do that with a
tudung? Yes. I've change and no, I am not going back to my old ways. I think I've had enough of that. I want to change for the better.
Oh God please help me.
I lost a lot of friends when I told them I am changing for the better. I guess they won't be my friends then right.
Oh well.
I was locked out of my own house last night. I reached my area at 1900hours last night. I knocked on the door and nobody answered. Kind of funny because the lights weren't on either. Called my
Mom and guess where were they.
So I stayed at my void deck from 1900hours to 2145hours when they came home.
Wah. Can cry I tell you. And there was a Chinese funeral at the next block. Worst. They started chanting and I really felt like crying. Yes. I am scared of Chinese funerals.
I was actually crying when I was talking to
Azazil on the phone. Just kept on complaining.
Sweeties. He accompanied me and kept on saying that it's ok, don't listen to the chants.
Family reached home after 2hours and 45minutes of agony sitting at the void deck. I was stared at,
kena kacau,
kena tegur.
Ish. I was so mad at my family I tell you. But all was forgiven when they bought me the lamb burger from
Burger King.